
2019: Principles and practice to facilitate complete photodocumentation of the upper gastrointestinal tract: World Endoscopy Organization position Statement

January 1, 2019

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This World Endoscopy Organization (WEO) position statement aims to provide practical guidance to practitioners to carry out complete EGD photodocumentation. Hence, an international group of experts from the WEO Upper GI Cancer Committee formulated the following document using the body of evidence established through literature reviews, expert opinions, and other scientific sources. The group acknowledged that although the procedure should be feasible in any facility, what is needed to achieve a global shift on the concept of completeness is a common written statement of agreement on its potential impact and added value. This best practice statement offers endoscopists principles and practical guidance in order to carry out complete photodocumentation from the hypopharynx to the second duodenal portion.

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