Video Capsule Endoscopy Network (VCEN)

Understanding the indications and practical aspects of video capsule endoscopy



With an aim to create a comprehensive and structured video capsule endoscopy learning program, VCEN consists of a series of three webinars to cover different aspects of video capsule endoscopy, and a hybrid congress at the WEO Capsule Endoscopy Global Summit (WEO CEGS) in Chongqing, China. 


* Registration for VCEN 2024 is closed *


VCE image

The international course director is Dr Jean-Francois Rey (France).

Course features

  • Basic capsule training online and on demand for emerging countries
  • Basic teaching of capsule software
  • Basic small bowel capsule indications

Course outline

Three webinars followed by a hybrid congress taking place in China

  • Webinar 1: March 14, 2024 “Update on Capsule Technology” | Agenda
  • Webinar 2: June 27, 2024 “Capsule Endoscopy for Portal Hypertension” | Agenda
  • Webinar 3: September 5, 2024 “Capsule Endoscopy and Crohn Disease: Update”
  • WEO CEGS 2024: November 30, 2024 in Chongqing, China / online | Website

** Please note that the above dates might be subject to change without prior notice**

    • Webinars will be conducted via Zoom. Successfully registered participants will receive a webinar link in advance.
    • Each webinar will last for 120 minutes and cover 4 topics. Each topic will have 20 mins lecture followed by 10 mins discussion.

How to Register

  • Applicants must apply via online registration form which is available on the WEO website.
  • All training will be conducted in English and applicants must have a high proficiency in English.
  • All participants must be an individual member of WEO. Please allow time for WEO Individual Membership application which might take about one week to process.
  • Terms and conditions are subject to change without any prior notice.

    • Participants will receive a certificate of participation after successfully attending at least three out of the four activities of VCEN.
    • Webinar participation will be evaluated based on the duration of the participation during each webinar (time in session). At least 80% of time in session is required to be marked as attended.
    • Eligible participants will be asked to take part in an online course evaluation in accordance with the WEO Education Committee’s policy. Participants will receive the certificate of the participation via email only after completing the evaluation.

Detailed information about the program, registration criteria as well as terms and conditions for registration is available here.

If you have any questions, please contact the WEO office at

VCE Library

Under the leadership of Dr Jean-Francois Rey, WEO has established the VCE Library, a structured collection of material which is used at Video Capsule Endoscopy Training (VCE) courses. During these courses, trainees learn how to use VCE procedures in daily practice.

WEO encourages Course Directors to take advantage of the VCE Library and to make use of the available VCE material. The VCE Library includes presentations on new technologies, images and videos of real VCE cases, and quiz presentations to test user competencies. All material is available upon request – see below complete content list of available material.

Please note that before utilizing VCE library material, prior written permission must be granted. After endorsement, proper attribution to WEO and the authors must be given. All commercial use is subject to restrictions.

Download VCE library content list

Example of VCE material


Photo gallery