DDW 2016

You can view and download PDF files of the meeting presentations here:

  • One vs two FIT sampling
    Graeme Young (Australia): Presentation
  • New Zealand pilot study of FIT-based CRC screening
    Susan Perry (New Zealand): Presentation
  • Program sensivity of FIT over time
    David Ransohoff (USA): Presentation
  • Impact of FIT Positive Colonoscopies on the Colonoscopy and Pathology Services
    Robert Hilsden (USA): Presentation
  • Head to head comparisons of different FITs
    Thomas Imperiale (USA): Presentation
  • Role of FIT in Post-Polypectomy Surveillance
    Ann Zauber (USA): Presentation
  • Colonoscopy versus FIT in Reducing Mortality from CRC (CONFIRM) – Impact of Mailing Time and Season on FIT Positivity
    Douglas Robertson & Jason Dominitz (USA): Presentation
  • FIT Interval: 1 vs 2 years
    T.R. Levin (USA): Presentation